My poems are paintings
My paintings are poems
My paintings have become my prayers. My prayers have become my songs. My songs have become my poems.
I am
I am air, water, red rock and indigo.
I am an ocean desert girl, fire on water woman, round faced cinnamon style
I am the youngest daughter, the last daughter, not first or even second, last.
I am a poet and painter.
I am a visual artist; a painter and a muralist; a healer; a poet, writer and playwright; a performer, a director and speaker; an educator and facilitator; and a creative life coach with a deep commitment to making the world brighter, one mural, one conversation, and one act of love at a time.
My name is Vaimoana Litia Makakaufaki Niumeitolu and I changed my name to Vaimoana Oufi Khalil. I got married to my best friend in Jenin, Palestine; September 2023. Oufi is the family name (my chosen and found family) of my Black Palestinian mother and family who live in Tulkarm Camp.
Khalil is my husband family's name and is also the Arabic name of the ancient city of Hebron.
I believe my gifts are divinely given, and I’m here to share them boldly—to inspire, uplift, and serve. Whether I’m painting murals that celebrate communities or direct and write theatre productions or spit my poems on the mic or leading and facilitating a course or coaching and empowering creatives to activate their financial freedom and future, find love/sustain love AND build their dreams, my purpose is clear:
I’m here to empower others through love and support.
This is why I am here and this is why I came.
“And still after all of this, I beg you to remember that we are in danger, but we are not endangered…
I panic pray for you.
I sing your name. I count on you every day and every day you
come through for me. I stand for you.
I know your name.
I will say your name while you are still alive. Do not be still
or silent unless you need to be.
I love you.
Stay alive.”
—Lynne Procope, from her poem, “In Service of Staying Alive”
by Assata Shakur
I believe in living.
I believe in the spectrum
of Beta days and Gamma people.
I believe in sunshine.
In windmills and waterfalls,
tricycles and rocking chairs.
And i believe that seeds grow into sprouts.
And sprouts grow into trees.
I believe in the magic of the hands.
And in the wisdom of the eyes.
I believe in rain and tears.
And in the blood of infinity.
I believe in life.
And I have seen the death parade
march through the torso of the earth,
sculpting mud bodies in its path.
I have seen the destruction of the daylight,
and seen bloodthirsty maggots
prayed to and saluted.
I have seen the kind become the blind
and the blind become the bind
in one easy lesson.
I have walked on cut glass.
I have eaten crow and blunder bread
and breathed the stench of indifference.
I have been locked by the lawless.
Handcuffed by the haters.
Gagged by the greedy.
And, if i know any thing at all,
it’s that a wall is just a wall
and nothing more at all.
It can be broken down.
I believe in living.
I believe in birth.
I believe in the sweat of love
and in the fire of truth.
And I believe that a lost ship,
steered by tired, seasick sailors,
can still be guided home
to port.
*”Affirmation” is reprinted from Shakur, Assata. (1987/2001). Assata: An Autobiography. (Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books), p. 1.
My greatest education, learnings,
awards and honors are . . .
I am blessed to have pursued higher education but my greatest education and most profound learnings have come from my parents, my grandparents and my chosen and found family and communities I have made in Palestine and all over the world; all my sobriety and recovery programs (I absolutely loveee 12 Step programs!!!); all my students from the Bronx to Brooklyn, to Jenin camp to Gugulethu to Harlem; all my beautiful coaches and leaders who stood for my transformation and healing; all my educators, teachers and social workers who show me how it’s done and everyday people I meet miraculously. Being connected with you are my greatest awards and honors in my life. Thank you for keeping me honest, for accepting my heart and inspiring me to live a life of possibility and freedom.
My father was a Tongan man who was born in Nuku’alofa, Tonga and grew up in Melbourne, Australia. His passion for history, culture, geography, literature, genealogy and the arts shaped my understanding of the world. In 2013, I held his hand as he took his last breath. I carry his teachings and love in my work and life, bridging what I’ve learned academically with the wisdom and love passed down to me. I miss him everyday and I hope he is proud of me.
My mother is a Tongan woman who achieved her Ph.D in mathematics and computer science from Brigham Young University; she is the first Tongan woman to achieve this. She became the bread winner for her family at age 16 when her father died of a heart attack. At 16 years old, she went to New Zealand for her education and worked tirelessly for her family. She lived in New Zealand for 7 years. Her hard work, pure determination and integrity is my trust fund. I will be forever grateful to her for giving me all the privileges, access and gifts I have been given in this world. May I pass all of this abundance forward.
My paternal grandfather, Siaosi was the first western Doctor and surgeon in Tonga who had his own health clinic and also had a free health clinic in Papua New Guinea for 8 years. He medically assisted in the births of hundreds of Oceanian babies. I aspire to live his legacy of care, devotion and fortitude.
My chosen and found family in Palestine, you have given me home, kinship, heart and soul. I am connected to you forever. To all my students, friends and communities in Palestine, I am because of you. To the martyrs, glory to all of you and your families. I am dedicated to paint all of you. To my best friend, my husband and his family, you are the best part of me eternally. To God, my Higher Power, Allah, all of this you have given to me. May I serve you, in your name always.
I am not a machine. I am a living, breathing soul, making meaningful connections with all I have been given. I promise to create and nurture life. I promise to always bring life.
Columbia University; NYC, New York
Masters of Fine Arts
Major: Theatre; Acting
(dropped out my 2nd year, 2nd semester)
New York University ; NYC, New York
Bachelors of Fine Arts
Major: Painting and drawing; Performance
Study abroad: Florence, Italy
Yale School of Art; Norfolk, Connecticut
Full scholarship: Painting and drawing
Summer program, Ellen Stoeckel Fellowship
Moore College of Art & Design; Philadelphia, PA
Bachelors of Fine Arts
Major: Painting and drawing
1st year then transferred to New York University
Pratt Institute; Brooklyn, New York
High school summer program
2023 Salt Lake City Arts council grant
2022-2023 MAP fund grant; Nationwide; U.S.A
2022 Utah Arts fellowship
2019 Tautai Art Fellowshp; Auckland, New Zealand
2014 Asian and Asian American women circle art grant;
New York City, New York